Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 6 I hate rain but it's better than snow

I wanted to go for a long walk today. I am needing to get a lot of work done but when writing it helps clear my head. I've been in a crappy mood for over a week now. Not because of the fast or change in diet, but for many other reasons. I've been pretending to be in a good mood, but realized it isn't doing me any good. One of the things is I'm loosing patience with humans. I wish people would see me for who I am instead of what they can get from me. By fasting and doing the raw challenge I am physically removing negative things from my body and need to be more vigilant in doing the same with people.

A few months ago I started purging people that were treating me in a negative way. To be effective though I need to keep all negative aspects out. This is a very daunting task but one that needs to be done. I do all these things to keep my body healthy but I'm not working hard enough to keep my mind and spirit healthy and that needs to be an equal priority to a healthy body.

I woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed. I love dreary days, I know that sounds strange, but it puts me in the right mood for writing. What I want right now is a kick ass thunderstorm.

Day 6 I do feel physically good. I am going to resume working out tomorrow though am likely going to do yoga tonight. I am still browsing recipes, as I don't want to ever get bored with what I'm eating. I've dehydrated all the ingredients for a raw vegan BLT and am going to have that and salad for dinner :)

weight loss today - no change (I know that the loss will take time and the initial 2.2lbs was from the fast. I remember the first time I did raw it took about a week for my body to adjust and once it did I started losing weight)

total weight loss = -2.2lbs

1 comment:

Laura D. said...

You have said since you have started you have been doing a lot of thinking. Do you feel you are thinking differently or more clearly or both and why?

PS. Keep taking pics of the food! Looks sooo yummy! When I see them, it seems to have me craving healthy foods too! :)

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