Monday, April 27, 2009

Facebook, the finder of lost loves?

If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any farther than my own backyard because if it isn't there than I never really lost it ~ Dorothy, Wizard of Oz

Facebook isn't just for networking or finding old friends and relatives it seems. Apparently it is the hotspot for hunting down, er, I mean finding lost loves. In the last month I have heard the odd story about it, but this last week I've heard three via facebook friends. Their stories almost sound like something of fiction, but they are real true to life stories. (I am only posting two of the stories because two of the three were similiar) I know they aren't as heart wrenching as one would like, nor are they the never ending babble about the US or the swine flu, but once in a while hearing about a happy ending makes me think the world might be ok for a few moments.

The first story I heard this week was about a woman who was found by the first guy she ever dated. They are both now divorcees with children. He has never stopped thinking about her and one day he decided to search for her on facebook. Apparently it wasn't an easy task as she had changed her last name when she married, but through information from other friends, as well as looking up old school chums he was able to find her and now the rest is history.

Another started wondering what ever happened to her first love. They met the last year of high school, but he moved away. This was before the time of internet and texting so they ended up losing touch. (Yes I just heard a millions twenty year olds gasp and go, 'time before the internet and texting?', someone might have restart their hearts). She also went on the facebook hunt and found him. Neither had ever married, until now. They are now engaged and getting married this summer.

I myself have reconnected on facebook with someone I had a mad crush on when I was a teen. In my case, since we have started chatting again, he has found someone else. I of course am still the shy girl in many ways and never spoke up, again. My loss, and I guess in my case, it just isn't in the stars.

I am and always will be a true believer in fate. Things happen, when they happen for a reason. Last week I was back onto my path of not believing and not liking the human race very much, then these stories put a smile on my face. Believe it or not, I'm not always the cynical one. Sometimes I do believe in faerytale endings.

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