Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 16 and frustrated as hell

Ok, I am on day 16 of the 100 day raw challenge. I am also working out as I am doing the challenge. Between the two of them, I should have lost weight, but I haven't. I am still stuck at the 2.2lbs I lost in the few days. Some might argue that if you are changing your diet up and not losing weight, it is because you don't need to. Well the thing here, is I need to. I need to lose 20lbs to be at my healthy weight, so why is it that all raw and advanced cardio work outs have me stopped at 2.2lbs? I am very very confused.

The weather and insomnia are also making this very difficult as well. The cold makes me crave soup and tea. Not sleeping makes me want to drink pots and pots of coffee. I need to get over this hump, so starting sunday am going to do the 3 day juice feast I was talking about.

I'm just glad I didn't pack away my winter things. Spring my arse!

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