Thursday, February 28, 2008

Recipe For My Perfect Man

Recipe For My Perfect Man

serves: 1
preparation time: a couple hours..... minimal
cooking time: how long does a marathon take?

6' 2" of Gerard Butler whole
1 cup Jimmy Stewart's integrity
1 cup Gomez Addams animal attraction
1/2 cup Gabriel Byrne's sensuality
1/4 cup Gil Grisoms logic
1/4 cup Quentin Tarantino's dark creativity
1/8 cup King Leonidas bravery (more than an 1/8th is too overpowering)
2 TBSP Carey Grant's sarcastic wit
2 TBSP Vin Deisel's sexy
1 TSP Mad Max's grit
Jason Stathom to taste

What to do:
Cut the Gerard Butler into strips approximately 2 inches wide and 6 inches long.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the Jimmy Stewart, Gomez Addams, Gabriel Byrne, Gil Grissom and Quentin Tarantino. Mix well ensure you smooth out all lumps. Once batter is of an even consistency, gradually add in King Leonidas, Carey Grant and Vin Deisel. If necessary add Jason Stathom to taste.

Place the Perfect Man in a shallow 9 X 13-inch glass baking dish. Sprinkle with Mad Max's grit. Let chill in the refrigerator for approximately 24 hours, covered. Remove from refridgerator and let come to room temperature. Once ready bake at 425 F for approximately 45 minutes. Let cool, serve with a nice Chianti.

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