Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sometimes we just have to get a hangover in order to see we have it pretty damn good!

Ok, let me explain the title of this blog.  Saturday I woke up with one hell of a hangover. A hangover that was the result of too much wine, tequila and vodka, oh and finally going to bed at 4 am.  The hangover actually lasted till dinner time because I refuse to take over the counter pain medication (Yes Sarrah I am a princess).  I know this is going to sound odd but.. it was a good hangover (seeing 'The Dr' Saturday also helped get rid of the headache ;)  there is nothing like getting rid of it the old fashioned way)! 

Friday night was girls night.  We started out at my place drinking wine... and ended up at the Silver Dollar.  My girls and I had a blast, actually we always have a blast, who am I kidding! !  Going to the Silver Dollar was the highlight of it all, as I was able to talk to 'the cutie', laughed till I thought I was going to be sick and met up with old friends that I haven't seen in a very long time.  That alone was a nice surprise.
The hangover, reminded me of a few things:
  • I have friends, who love me and we all enjoy each others company... friends that I drink too much with but... 
  • Even if I don't see certain friends for months or even years... we seem to pick up exactly where we left off (and this doesn't just pertain to last night, a few friends from my past have made it back into my life again since Jan 1)
  • I will always have enough change in my pocket to enjoy nights like Friday.  Sometimes money will be tight but I will always find a way to enjoy life
  • There will never be any bullshit... ever.  Every single one of my friends will not hold back.  If you are acting like an idiot... you will be put in check
  • I realize I just need to back off on certain things and be patient.  Good things come to those who wait... this isn't a crock of shit.. it is the truth.
  • 2008 is going to FUCKING Rock!!!  I've been blessed and handed may gifts and I need to ensure I always remember that.

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