Saturday, July 26, 2008

Be afraid.... Be VERY Afraid

I've come to the conclusion that Wiarton does indeed have Zombies... I've heard them every single night I've been here. As I lay in my room, the outside noises of crickets and a nearby hooting owl are sometimes drown out by the familiar moaning and grunting of the creatures of the night. At first I thought to myself, is it possible that it could be a drunkard staggering helplessly home. Not out of the ordinary for this small town but at this point unlikely. Those are definitely the sounds of the undead looking for some fresh flesh for their midnight snack.

I have however found something even more frightening here. More frightening than Zombies you question? How can anything possibly be more frightening than Zombies. Oh, never have any doubts when in Wiarton that such things do exist. It is terrifying, the kind of scared where when cornered by these vicious, vile creatures, you stand motionless. There is no where to run or hide. By day the seem harmless, but in the dim light of a local Legion they take on another mind numbing form. I speak of the dark, dangerous creatures also known as the Wiarton Male.

Zombies I know how to deal with. Aim for the head. You can outrun them and outsmart a Zombie, you can see it coming before they see or smell you. The Wiarton Male, although you can outsmart them, you almost never see them coming till they are up in your grill. They smell out-of-towners like dogs smell fear. They stalk you as a lion would it's prey and then pounce when you are most vulnerable. When the music starts and you are momentarily left alone by the parents you clutch onto for protection. The same parents that have lead to the Wiarton Male's den, fully knowing they are about to sacrifice their daughter to the pack. I would not escape the hours long torment of being cornered and tortured as my parents sat back acting as if they knew nothing of it. Leaving me to the terrible creatures.

Be afraid... be very afraid....

Not to worry, my parents paid dearly for their deceit. I let my dogs crap in their shoes.

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