Friday, May 30, 2008

The 13th Sign

This movie is so terrible.. that is actually worth watching. I am a fan of bad horror. And this just made my top 10 list! Wowsers. Stinker, but it is one of those movies that you have to watch right to the end!

I am also a fan of British and Australian/New Zealand Horror. It is normally pretty gritty and realistic. They don't spend tonnes of money on special effects, rather on the script and hiring the best everything. Here are a few of my favourites:

Shawn of the Dead (British and my all time fav)
28 Days Later (British)
The Descent (British)
Dog Soldiers (British)
The Ugly (New Zealand)
Village of the Damned 1960 (British)
The Haunting (1963) (British)

Check out these links to find out more about British/Australian and New Zealand Horror

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