Thursday, December 16, 2010

The 2011 List!

I’m actually getting this list done before Jan 1!!! This is a list of all the things I want to attempt before December 31st, 2011. Some are from my 2010 list, that list had 100 to dos and I finished 49 of them. They didn’t get completed.... shhhhh. So... instead of a list of 100 am keeping it a bit more realistic at 50!

1. Learn to Salsa ~ have already taken some lessons
2. Tim Burton Exhibit at Lightbox
3. Finish all 3 manuscripts
4. Get a book picked up for publication
5. Go to Scotland
6. Re-learn Swing Dancing
7. Take Burlesque lessons
8. Sing Karaoke ~ am terrified to sing in front of people
9. Since I’m going to brave Karaoke.... learn to play an instrument
10. Day trip to Stratford
11. Shakespeare in the park
12. Be in a Zombie Movie
13. See the Nutcracker
14. Road trip to Niagara Falls and all the haunted attractions
15. Ride in a Hearse ~ while still alive
16. Tour the Bruce Caves with my Dad
17. Go camping
18. Visit the Science Centre
19. Go to NYC for a weekend
20. Stay in a haunted Bed and Breakfast
21. Have a 1950’s style dinner party - everyone has to come dressed up 1950’s, menu and Martini’s
22. Re-read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
23. Glow in the dark bowling
24. Do at least one thing I have never tried ~ skiing downhill, snowboarding, archery, stand on the glass floor of the CN tower.
25. Have a minimum of 3 articles published in major publications
26. Have a short story published in an anthology
27. Do a 30 day yoga challenge
28. Watch the sunrise, from a beach
29. Learn how to do a somersault.
30. Visit a province I’ve never been in
31. Go to a Carnival
32. Work at a haunt if even for one night, this halloween
33. Take her parents to the CN tower
34. Visit Casa Loma
35. See my cousin Lisa!
36. Fit back into my Skinny Jeans!
37. Carve my name in a tree
38. Spend and afternoon at Necropolis
39. Walk in the secret cemetery
40. Day on the island, including picnic and nude beach
41. Go to Trash Palace
42. Spend a week in Wiarton - this is tougher than it seems....
43. Have my tea leaves read
44. Ride the bike trails
45. Finish off my writing to do list
46. Write a poem and read it out loud in front of people
47. Hand-write one letter a month
48. Complete both the Script Frenzy in April and National Novel Writing Month in November
49. Spend Dec 25th having a second annual do nothing but watch Xmas themed horror movies day
50. Write this list for 2012 before Jan 1st

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