Thursday, October 16, 2008


Positivity, isn't a real word... but I may add it to my growing book of words I've made up (descriptor words). It is however the verb I have decided to use to represent my life in the last few weeks. Far too long I have kept people and things in my life that dragged me down, tried to pull me into their constant drama and negativity. Something happened recently that gave me the kick in the pants that was needed to wake me up, to realize it was time to remove all these negative things from my life. So I did and since, everything that has been happening in my life is golden.

A few years ago I did something similar, cleaned house so to speak, but somehow I left some of those grey, negative dust bunnies back in. Those bunnies come in many shapes and forms and cannot be trusted. They are sneaky and get into corners that we sometimes cannot reach, yet when we find them they fight long and hard to deny their existence in order to stay hidden. I found those bunnies and sucked them up with a vacuum and then flushed them down the toilet. Gone bye bye for ever!

I've learned a hard lesson here, but not one I will ever forget and not one I will EVER repeat again. I only want positive things, influences and people in my life, the things/ones that are currently in my life I plan on keeping, the negatives that fight to creep back in won't ever be allowed to again.

Positivity is how I plan to live my life from this point forward.

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