Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Loss of a Great Man

Mr. Rix had a reputation. Long before anyone ever stepped foot into one of his English classes, you knew all about it in very specific, very colourful detail. Once you entered his classroom, you waited, eager, on tenterhooks for the moment, but too nervous to ask when it might happen. Then somewhere around mid-term, there it was.

Dramatic pauses
Chest clenching
Flailing arms
And then one... final... spin!

Et tu, Brute! Then fall, Caesar.

With a dramatic fall to the linoleum, the infamous performance of the Julius Caesar death scene had been completed. To this day I am sadly disappointed with the stage version of that death scene. Bob can never be topped.

In high school, no one likes or wants to understand Shakespeare, we are content with Lord of the Flies, The Chrysalids and Animal Farm. Mr. Rix, through his dramatics and humour had the students of Wiarton District High School smitten with Sir William and his tales.

But somehow, it was more than that. He actually gave a damn about his students. Bob Rix loved being a teacher, he was passionate about the English language and made his students passionate as well. If it wasn’t for him our school wouldn’t have had a theatre program and I wouldn’t have had the experience of playing Abby Brewster.

Even after he retired he would stop his former students on the street to chat, genuinely wanting to know how they were, always ready to dole out advice. Bob taught hundreds of students, but always remembered everyone’s names and had very specific and special memories for every one of us.

Every graduation speech had a special thank you to him. Every student talked about him, even 20 years after graduation. I can guarantee that each one of those students can give you at least three funny stories and many reasons why they will miss him. My love of theatre and literature and my dream to become a writer are all thanks to Bob. He stuck in our minds and our hearts. He made a difference in every student who was lucky enough to know him and will be greatly missed.

A safe journey into the night my friend. There will never be another like you.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Theatre Reviews

I can't believe I haven't posted since the beginning of July. It's been a crazy busy summer!!!

I will start posting more soon, but in the meantime, here are my latest theatre reviews @

What the Butler Saw


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